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Body weight solutions basics - body weight training flow program

Posted by Lok Yinlok Yin on Tuesday, 14 January 2014

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Body Weight Solutions Basics provides you with a solid health and fitness foundation by installing a consistent routine of activity, building up a specific working capacity of strength, stamina, mobility and flexibility, creating a colorful palette of movement, and grooming an understanding of sustainable fitness practices.

Having all of these elements in place will allow us to springboard safely into any other activity our heart desires.

The Body Weight Solutions Cobwebs program can either be used as a stand-alone program or as an add-on to the Body Weight Solutions Basics program.

Cobwebs consists of 4 downloadable videos, geared towards improving your mobility, flexibility, suppleness and tension regulation.

That’s why I was very excited to be one of the first to view John’s latest creation before releasing it to the world.  And let me tell you, it does NOT disappoint!  This is a true representation of the pure passion and love that he has for movement and in wanting to share this passion with others.  From the video tutorials to the written manuals and online access, he has covered it all in a well crafted and brilliantly produced program for body mastery.

I was in the United States Navy for six and a half years. We used to do physical training workouts that seemed more like chores than wellness exercises. After a few days of working with Body Weight Solutions Basics I really feel like I’m doing a workout that isn’t about making me feel exhausted; it’s about making me feel alive.  I’m not using any other workout program currently, but I feel confident that this program is essential whether you choose to use it as a standalone regimen or to supplement your regular work out. Body Weight Solutions Basics is changing the way I move through my daily tasks, and I’m confident that it can do the same for just about anyone.”

While it ain’t a walk in the park, and I haven’t tackled every movement in the program (yet), I’m happy to say that I’m on my way – it feels good to work next to dudes half my size, knowing I can hang in the class.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and am loving it.”

Professional, attentive, thorough, and thoughtful.  He focuses on the development of each student, giving us progressions that lead us inexorably toward our goals… and serving as an outstanding role model along the way.

He’s a master of “making haste slowly”… more than once I’ve wondered why he was making me do such a fundamental drill when I *obviously* had it down already… and then found out 10 minutes (or two days) later why I *needed* that drill to be perfect – what was coming would have broken me if we hadn’t truly mastered those fundamentals first.

He always shows us a taste of what we want – grace, fluidity, strength – and then moves us toward that, one step at a time.

I started working with John with the explicit goals of learning to move with more ease, grace, and fluidity. (I’m 56, and was starting to feel my age:  creaky joints, awkward, losing balance easily. John has showed me a path toward those goals that I can follow, and I am enjoying every inch of it.”

Before Body Weight Solutions Basics, my idea of exercising was going to  the gym and coming home exhausted.  John’s program has changed the way I think of exercising. After each session I feel clear-headed, stronger, more limber, and more flexible than before.  

“In the third chapter of Jack Dempsey’s book he talks about the “painstaking labor” that went into fashioning the steps...

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